In a world where football transcends mere sport, becoming a unifying global phenomenon, it possesses immense potential to foster societal change. This is the vision behind Common Goal, co-founded by Thomas Preiss, which leverages football’s massive platform to promote sustainability and equity worldwide. In a candid interview, Preiss discusses the evolution of Common Goal from its inception as Street Football World, its unique charitable pledge model, and the impact it’s striving to create. As we delve into the strategies, challenges, and achievements of Common Goal, join us in exploring how the universal language of football can be a catalyst for global transformation.
live for good: Appel à projets pour recruter les 50 jeunes entrepreneur·es de la promo 13 du Programme Start for Good 🚀
🚀 Le programme Start for Good accompagne pendant 9 mois les jeunes de moins de 30 ans ayant un projet à impact social et/ou environnemental et souhaitant créer leur start-up à impact positif ! 🌱