Women’s Forum Global Meeting 2023 (28-29 November)

The 18th annual Women's Forum Global Meeting will take place on 28-29 November 2023 in Paris at the Palais Brongniart, France. The Women's Forum will engage the community of leaders and change makers on gender issues of our world. Under the theme Change education, Educate for change we will prioritize the "HOW": How can education be transformed to better address global challenges and prepare learners to actively contribute to positive change?

At a time when wars and terrorism are plunging us into horror, we urgently need to think about a fairer, more humanistic future. Education is the key to progress and equality.

According to the UN, nearly 1 in 5 girls are still not completing lower-secondary school and nearly 4 in 10 girls are not completing upper-secondary school today.

 “Change education, Educate for change” will be at the heart of the next Global Meeting 2023. A range of sessions will cover the field of Girl’s Education such as “Beyond the battlefield: The impact of conflict on girls’ education” or Eradicating gender bias in education: Empowering girls to thrive in the classroom and beyond“.

Join the Global Meeting 2023 on the 28th-29th November 2023, at Le Palais Brongniart in Paris, France!